3 Simple Steps to Strengthen Your Mindset

Jul 17, 2024 |

With a strong mindset, you'll find it easier to stay calmly focused and achieve all of your goals! So, let's look at 3 simple steps...

Have a Strong Mind and Take on Bigger Challenges

With a strong mindset, you'll find it easier to stay calmly focused and achieve all of your goals! So, let's look at 3 simple steps that’ll start strengthening your mindset today.

These activities will support you whether you are considering your mindset for the very first time, or if you have been working on it for years. The power of each step lies in the repetition which will support you to build the mindset that you desire with every practice.

The 3 steps that we'll be considering are Awareness (to know how things are right now), Acceptance (neutral acknowledgement of the present situation), and Choice (to take responsibility for your very next step)

Let's begin…

Step 1 Awareness πŸ˜ƒπŸ’ͺ

3 Simple Steps to Strengthen Your Mindset - Awareness

βœ… When looking to make any sort of change in your life you get to know exactly where you are starting from. Take a moment to close your eyes (if it's safe to do so) and ask yourself:

"How am I feeling right now?"

βœ… Notice your response, which you may receive as a picture, word, feeling, sound, taste, something else, or indeed nothing at all. If you get no response to your first question, know that this is perfect for you right now. As with all practices, it can take time to build up your self-awareness strength. So, take a break and return to ask yourself the question again at a later time.

Step 2 Acceptance πŸ˜ƒπŸ’ͺ

βœ… In order to be able to move on with any aspect of your life, it's essential to accept how things are right now. Take a moment to bring your awareness to your current situation. You may choose to do a mind map on what you're feeling at the moment. Or perhaps draw a doodle or checklist that represents your mindset right now. Take whatever action feels right for you here in this moment as you acknowledge and start accepting how you truly feel.

βœ… Remember that there is no right or wrong, just how things are for you at this time. Your emotions and mindset are in constant ebb and flow. In fact, often having an awareness of your feelings, and accepting them is enough to begin to process, and or release them.

⭐ As always, if your emotions or mindset feel too big for you to handle, please reach out for help from your support network or health professionals. You are never alone, and there are many people available to support you however you need it. ⭐

Step 3 Choice πŸ˜ƒπŸ’ͺ

3 Simple Steps to Strengthen Your Mindset

βœ… Once you have an awareness of, and have accepted your present mindset, it's time for you to move on to your 3rd step. Here you get to choose what you want your very next step to be. At this point, it can be very helpful to consider exactly what sort of mindset you wish to create or strengthen for yourself. For example, you may choose to build a calm mindset, a clear mindset, a positive mindset, a motivational mindset, or a happy mindset...

βœ… Begin this step by closing your eyes (so long as it's safe to do so) and asking yourself:

"What specific mindset do I want to create?"

βœ… Again notice what comes to mind and take time to connect to what you truly want to create for your personal mindset. And of course, this can develop with you as you move on your own journey into deeper self-awareness and acceptance.

βœ… The truth is that you can choose what to focus your time and attention on. And the stronger your mindset is, the easier it is for you to enjoy each day and every one of your achievements throughout your life. So once you know what direction your mindset strengthening is headed, it's time for you to choose your very next step forwards.

πŸ˜ƒπŸ’ͺ Enjoy your next Step…

And feel free to share it with us here!

Categories: : Zenler Mindset/Motivational

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