AI Buddy In Zenler - Speed up workflow and idea generation

Jul 17, 2024 |

With the rise of AI, Zenler has now introduced AI in its learning management system

Welcome to Zenler AI

As a learning management platform, Zenler is always looking at ways to make it easier for our course creators to build and launch their courses. 

It can be frustrating at times to come up with a catchy title or some copy that doesn't sound boring or the same as you have used time and time again. 

This is one of the reasons Zenler launched its AI integration directly within the platform itself. 

Where and How Does Zenler AI Work? 

1- Create your course outline, with the Zenler AI buddy  All you have to do is describe your course and the Zenler AI will generate a Course Title, Subtitle, Summary and Course Curriculum.

2- Creating high converting Copy for your Landing pages is often where lots of creators struggle  With Zenler AI, it will automatically create your Course Sales Page and also help you generate suggestions for copy on any page on your site. This will become a big help to you and speed up your page and course creation process

Key Takeaway Points

  1. Zenler has launched an AI assistant called Zenler AI Buddy to help users with various tasks like research, writing, analysis, and more.
  2. The AI Buddy leverages advanced language models and can understand context and provide relevant information tailored to the user's needs.
  3. It can assist with tasks like research, writing, analysis, brainstorming ideas, answering questions, and providing summaries.
  4. The AI Buddy aims to boost productivity and efficiency by taking over time-consuming and repetitive tasks.
  5. It has a conversational interface where users can ask questions or provide instructions in natural language.
  6. The AI assistant is integrated into Zenler's platform, making it easily accessible to users.

Why not take a look for yourself by watching the video below if it's got you interested then head on over here to grab your free account

Have fun with this brand-new feature

Categories: : Zenler Feature Releases

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