Engagement and Nurturing for Online Courses Features of Zenler

Jul 17, 2024 |

Keeping your students and members coming back for more to your online school is key, and that's where engagement and nurturing come in. Let's dive in.

Engagement and Nurturing with Zenler

Nurturing and engagement are key aspects of keeping your existing students entertained and excited. Luckily for you, Zenler has all of this built-in without the need for additional subscriptions. Simply put, we are the all-in-one platform for your online business!

Key Zenler Features for Engagement and Nurturing:

  • Zenler discussions per lesson
  • Built-in Community
  • Run surveys
  • Run quizzes
  • Run lives and or popups
  • Email broadcasts and advanced filtering
  • Tagging users at every level
  • Create email lists
  • Assignments with feedback

Detailed analysis of the key features for engagement and nurturing. Let's dive into each of the key points.

Zenler Discussions per Lesson

discussions inside Zenler

With Zenler each lesson can have its own discussion, where users can interact with you the instructor.

As soon as you turn on 'Enable Discussion', the option to 'Show Discussion Inline' will automatically appear.

"If you turn this option on, the discussion will be shown right below your content on the lesson. If you turn this option off, the discussion will be shown as a pop-up over the lesson when you activate it."

When you go back to the same lesson while logged in as a student, the discussion box is not a pop-up window. Instead, an inline discussion automatically appears below the lesson content.

Having the option of a popup or inline means you can control the look and feel of your lesson discussions.

this is a great way to stay in touch and for your members to reach out to you, also when someone writes a message it appears as a bell icon in the top right corner alerting you when you log in, it can also be managed from the communities area!

A little tip don't turn discussions on for all lessons as it's harder for you to manage group activity!

Support Document Discussions

Built-In Community

Overview of community feature in Zenler

Every good online course platform should have a community area, we have one inside Zenler and are also currently working on a new community that will be best in class!

But for now, let's look at the community feature inside Zenler!

Communities on Zenler are groups that can be set up and tied to your site, courses, or membership areas on the platform. They allow you to communicate easily with your students all in one place. Unlike discussions within lessons, communities are open and designated for specific parts of your site where everybody can contribute.

Having an area where you can interact and others can message each other is essential for building an engaged audience. This brings us neatly to Communities. Our community feature allows you to send a message to all users at once or just make a post that your members will see when they log in. Members can post questions or help each other.

With Zenler, you can set up a community for each course or even have a public community where your super fans hang out. It's all part of the engagement and nurturing of your online school.

Support Document Community

Run Surveys

Engagement and Nurturing for Online Courses Features of Zenler - Surveys

Surveys are a great way to get feedback or ask users what they want to see, Zenler has this built into the platform and from any course a Survey can be run.

New Enterprise-Level Survey Functionality Released

Zenler has announced the public launch of a brand new survey feature, replacing their old, dated survey functionality. The decision to revamp surveys came from the realization that the old functionality fell short. Zenler has now built a new intuitive survey experience for both instructors and attendees, developed with cutting-edge technology. They are thrilled to announce the public launch of this new enterprise-level survey functionality.

Key Features

With the brand new surveys, you can create great surveys with different survey question types and reports, including:

  • Multiple choice
  • Multiple responses
  • True and false answers
  • Media uploads
  • Rating scales
  • Free text responses

Reporting on surveys is also available with the new functionality.

Future Enhancements

Now that Zenler has built a solid foundation for surveys, the next step will be the ability to create branching surveys of any type and to create survey funnels. This will further enhance the survey creation capabilities. The new enterprise-level survey functionality from Zenler provides a modern, intuitive experience for creating robust surveys with advanced question types and reporting. It lays the groundwork for even more powerful survey capabilities in the future.

Surveys for better engagement with your courses

Run Quizzes

Zenler - Run Quiz

Zenler's Graded Quiz Feature: Ensuring Student Mastery

Zenler, a leading online learning platform, has introduced a powerful graded quiz feature that empowers instructors to assess their students' understanding effectively. This innovative tool allows educators to create quizzes within their courses and set a pass rate that students must achieve to progress further.

Seamless Integration into Course Curriculum

Instructors can seamlessly integrate graded quizzes into their course curriculum by navigating to the curriculum section and adding a new lesson type labelled 'Quiz.' This intuitive process ensures a smooth learning experience for both instructors and students.

Customizable Quiz Settings

When creating a graded quiz, instructors have the flexibility to customize various settings. They can provide a descriptive title for the quiz and, most importantly, specify whether it should be a graded assessment or not. For graded quizzes, instructors can set the pass rate percentage that students must achieve to successfully complete the quiz.

Ensuring Mastery Before Progression

One of the key advantages of Zenler's graded quiz feature is its ability to ensure students demonstrate a certain level of mastery before advancing to subsequent course material. If a quiz is marked as graded, students must meet the defined pass rate percentage to proceed further in the course. This approach reinforces the importance of comprehension and prevents students from moving forward without acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills.

Enhancing Learning Outcomes

By incorporating graded quizzes into their courses, instructors can effectively assess their students' understanding of the material covered. This assessment method not only provides valuable feedback to instructors but also motivates students to engage more deeply with the course content, ultimately enhancing their learning outcomes. Zenler's graded quiz feature exemplifies the platform's commitment to delivering a comprehensive and effective online learning experience. With its user-friendly interface and customizable settings, instructors can create meaningful assessments that ensure their students' mastery of the subject matter before progressing to the next level.

Easily Import Questions into Quizzes with New CSV Upload Feature

Zenler has released a new feature that allows instructors to easily import questions into their quizzes by uploading a CSV file. This streamlined process saves time and effort when creating quizzes with a large number of questions.

How It Works

To use the new import questions feature, simply follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the CSV File: Set up your questions in a specific format within a CSV file. Zenler provides a sample CSV file to show the required structure and column order.
  2. Access the Quiz: Navigate to the quiz where you want to import the questions. You'll see a new "Import Questions" button just below the existing question list.
  3. Upload the CSV: Click the "Import Questions" button and select the option to upload your prepared CSV file containing the questions.
  4. Import to Quiz: After uploading the CSV, the questions will be automatically imported and added to your quiz.

This new functionality eliminates the need to manually enter each question one-by-one, significantly reducing the time and effort required to build comprehensive quizzes.

Future Enhancements

While the current CSV import allows for straightforward question importing, Zenler plans to further enhance this feature. Upcoming additions will include the ability to create branching surveys and survey funnels, providing even more flexibility in quiz and survey creation.

The new CSV question import is a welcome addition to Zenler's platform, offering instructors a more efficient way to build engaging and content-rich quizzes for their audiences.

Adding Quizzes

Run Lives and/or Popups

Zenler - Run lives or pop ups

With Zenler, you can run live Zoom meetings without needing a paid subscription. All our paid plans have this by default. It's never been a better time for running live events, as we know they are the number one conversion method and play a key role in marketing strategies.

Live with paid and free lives in the system

Live types you can run with Zenler:

  • Run Interactive Webinars (where users can be on camera and chat)
  • True Webinar (participants can only chat)
  • One to One Bookings you can set up coaching sessions or group sessions
  • Live classes can be run on their own or dropped into a course or membership
  • Live streaming you can stream onto any platform that allows it via RMTP like Facebook, YouTube or Twitch etc
  • You can charge for lives
  • Full automations with all live types accept live streams
  • Suite of pages auto-created
  • Run recurring lives
  • Control participation limits pro plan 300 and premium 500 seats
  • Control registration expiry
  • Give out a direct link for one-to-ones does not require registration
  • Cloud recording built-in

As you can see, there is total flexibility with Zenler and its live feature. As we know, holding live events is the best way to engage users for sales, so as a marketing tool, it is incredibly powerful. What's even better is there's no extra cost for you. Join our thousands of members who use it every day as part of their marketing and also for their courses.

Lives are by far the best way to convert and drive sales. Zenler offers this by default, and you do not pay a penny more!

At Zenler, we are driven to give you maximum flexibility in how you run your online school. Our live feature was requested by our users. It was not plain sailing; setting up this whole area took a long time. However, we are committed to servicing our instructors, so we allocated all our resources to making this possible!

As you can see, live events are well covered with Zenler. We even have a live calendar built-in that changes times based on user location!

All about Zenler Lives feature

Email Broadcasts and Advanced Filtering

Zenler - email broadcast and advanced filtering

Stay in touch with your members with email broadcasts directly from Zenler!
We know that communication is key to a successful online business, and that's what we offer: Email Broadcasts. You can use these however you want, maybe as a newsletter or an update?

Key Features of Broadcasts in Zenler:

  • A range of cool templates to pick from
  • Advanced filtering based on numerous options
  • Email domain authentication for better delivery
  • Sending schedule
  • Test sends
  • Easy to use block designer for emails
  • Personalisation options
  • Reports on event actions
  • Email delivery score
  • Custom unsubscribe for members
  • Easy email cleansing

As you can see Zenler has you covered in emails!

Tagging Users: Create Email Lists at Every Level

Taking control of your user list is important. With that in mind, Zenler allows you to filter and add TAGS to cohorts, as well as set up email lists. You can also import and export users to CSV format.

Segmentation is made easy with Zenler; now you can engage with the right audience in a snap!

Assignments with Feedback

Zenler - Assignments with Feedback

With Zenler, you can set up assignments, a great way to mark people's work or get feedback. The uses for assignments are infinite; you can even prevent students from progressing until you approve them.

Bringing Assignments to Life with New Zenler

As an instructor, keeping students engaged and helping them truly grasp concepts can be a real challenge. But fear not, my friends, because New Zenler's assignment feature is here to shake things up and make interactive learning a breeze. Let's dive into this game-changing tool and see what all the fuss is about.

Fitting Assignments into Your Course Like a Glove

Adding assignments to your curriculum is as easy as pie with New Zenler. Just head over to your course lessons, create a new one, and bam – select the "Assignment" option. You can mix and match assignments with videos, texts, quizzes, and more, creating a well-rounded learning experience that'll keep your students on their toes.

Keeping Students Accountable (in a Good Way)

We all know how tempting it can be for students to slack off and skip over important stuff. But with New Zenler, you can set assignments as compulsory, meaning they can't move on to the next lesson until they've completed and submitted the assignment. No more skipping out on the good stuff!

Taking Control with Manual Approval

For those of you who like to keep a tight grip on things, New Zenler has your back. With the "Approve Assignments before continuing" option, you get to personally review and approve each student's submitted assignment before they can progress further. Talk about being in the driver's seat!

Streamlining Submissions and Reviews

Gone are the days of juggling assignment submissions across multiple channels. With New Zenler, students can upload their work (files, docs, videos, you name it) directly within the assignment lesson. And the best part? You'll get notified as soon as a student submits, so you can stay on top of things like a pro.

Making Learning Interactive and Practical

But the assignment feature isn't just about grading – it's about bringing learning to life. By assigning exercises, projects, case studies, and more, you can challenge your students to apply what they've learned in real-world scenarios. This hands-on approach not only reinforces their understanding but also prepares them for the challenges they'll face in their future careers. So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the power of New Zenler's assignment feature and take your courses to new heights of interactivity and engagement. Your students (and their future selves) will thank you!

Engagement and Nurturing Conclusion

Zenler - Engagement and Nurturing Conclusion

Making sure you get engaged with your audience is the best way to maintain your revenue, remember these people have already bought from you in most cases, which means they already like what you do reselling to them or keeping them in your membership is so much easier than getting new leads, this is the importance of Nurturing your members and engaging with them!

Categories: : Zenler Course Creation, Zenler Marketing Help/Advice, Zenler Website/Development

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