Gina Kammer - The Best Learning Management and Marketing System for My Book Coaching Business

Jul 17, 2024 |

I had a dream of creating a virtual castle conservatory for writers replete with dragons. And while web coding was my jam...

I had a hard time keeping it current on my own. Web coding was also more of a hobby-obsession than something I could employ for all the complex ideas in my head. So I started searching for platform options on which to build my little empire as a book coach and editor for science fiction and fantasy writers.

One requirement was that I had to be able to provide instructional content for my authors, which naturally led me to looking at course platforms such as Thinkific and Teachable. I tested them out in some free trials, but neither were as all-encompassing as I had hoped. I didn’t want to have to cobble together a bunch of different tools and get them all to talk nicely to one another.

All-In-One Platform

The Best Learning Management and Marketing System for My Courses

So I veered into the world of more robust business platforms and landed on Kajabi as aligned for my dream. But I had one major problem: I’m a book coach, not a business coach. I help people with their passions, but my profit margins made it incredibly hard to justify the steep price point of these platforms.

Enter Zenler

I don’t remember how I got there, but this LMS in beta at a discounted lifetime price was everything I wanted from Kajabi at a price point that worked with my growing book coaching business. I loved that features were always being added and improved too. And the addition of simple email marketing solved that problem before it even arose. So I went all in. I now use Zenler for most of its features.

What I Use Zenler Features For

  • My primary coaching website to direct potential clients to
  • Funnels to help writers find the resources they need
  • Landing pages for my offers and services
  • Email marketing to stay in touch with my writers
  • Courses inside my book coaching program
  • Lesson discussion for further support in my courses
  • Assignment submissions for students to get my personal feedback
  • Live coaching calls with Zenler Zoom to help authors with their manuscripts
  • Introductory calls with potential clients so we both know if my program is a good fit
  • Community forum for sharing wins, getting help, and knowing we’re not alone in this
    often solitary writing endeavour
  • Blog to share my research, craft tips, and industry insights with more authors
  • Free resources for writers who sign up on my site and log in
  • The Google Calendar sync of my program’s calls for my students to keep them in their
  • Mobile Zenler App for students who want to listen to lessons on the go
  • Secure payments through Stripe and linked with Zenler so students can take control of
    their memberships

These features have all been crucial in helping me launch my book coaching program, Enchant Your Readers. I used the Zenler website builder to design and create the online “castle” I always wanted with help from all the free tutorials from the Zenler team. Through their resources, I also learned how to bundle my writing/editing course components and bonuses for a program that feels and looks robust.

Marketing Using Zenler

Zenler’s funnel templates and default email automation sequences provided me with starting points to customize to my vision. Having these things built in put me in a position to see the creation of my program through with some marketing avenues in place. So much easier than starting completely from scratch even when I completely tailored everything to my needs!

In other words, these tools and features got my program up and running so I could simply get such a large project started—and running. I wouldn’t have been able to offer so much to authors without a platform as comprehensive as Zenler to house it all. So far, it’s been an intuitive, seamless experience for my students, and I love that I can keep everything in one place for them.

Gina Kammer Blog

Gina Kammer - The Best Learning Management and Marketing System for My Book Coaching Business

Interested in what I teach in my book coaching program? Then find more articles in my blog (all created on Zenler!) for writers who know that the first step to a marketable book is a strong story that enchants readers at

Gina Kammer Services

  • Manuscript assessments
  • Developmental editing
  • Line/copy editing
  • Query package reviews
  • Novel coaching for science fiction and fantasy
  • Critique Partner Program
  • Private coaching and accountability

Gina Kammer one of our amazing Zenler Members

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog written by Gina, and we hope it shows the level of expertise we have on our platform.

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