How to Sell Courses Online? A Roadmap for Online Course Creators

Aug 15, 2024 |

Let's discuss How to Sell Courses Online this Roadmap will take you through the steps you need to sell your courses to the world, ready?

A Guide to Selling Courses Online

What is an online course and what are its benefits?

A Guide to Selling Courses Online

Online courses are organized learning programmes available on the internet. It can include live lectures, pre-recorded lessons or discussions on a particular topic. It offers learners the convenience of undergoing an educational programme of their choice in their comfort. They can access course materials, get involved in activities, and interact with faculties and fellow students from anywhere, using digital tools.

People today are very keen on learning new skills to go in tandem with the developing technologies. So, they must be looking for a quality course that can enhance their career or provide them with fresh knowledge. As they explore their options, many students and course creators alike are encouraged to compare online course platforms to find the most suitable environment for their needs.

The First Choice of Learners

Thanks to the tremendous growth of the learning industry, online courses have become the first choice of learners. As regards the students, it is a cost-effective way of studying a course. It provides them with different learning styles with options for audio and video classes, exercises etc. Moreover, they can learn at their own pace, making the best use of the course content. Online courses are an ideal way for skill development. With easy accessibility, online courses stand as the preferred choice of many students.

Online courses also offer networking opportunities. Most of the platforms provide avenues for group interaction, reviews and discussion forums. This fosters professional relationships that stay there for a long time. Learners can leverage this relationship to excel in their studies, collaborate on future projects etc. Universities and training centres are offering a variety of online courses, exhibiting their expertise and perspectives. This creates an opportunity for the learners to select courses that match their career goals. When they compare online course platforms, they often look for features that support this type of networking and long-term relationship building.

Many online courses embody practical experience through virtual labs and simulations through which learners can gain thorough knowledge to perform better in real-life situations. Advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning go a long way in providing learners with personalized learning experiences. This allows the students to pursue the course at a comfortable pace.

Why do you want to sell courses online?

Why do you want to sell courses online?

There are multifarious reasons why individuals want to sell their courses online:

  • Sharing your expertise with the world: By Selling Courses Online, you aim to share your expertise with the world. Also, it remains an ideal way to introduce your service to a broader audience, irrespective of geography. Selling courses online also helps you monetize your effort. If your courses get wide acceptance, you can generate substantial income.
  • Passion for Teaching: Some people are passionate about teaching without seeking any monetary benefit. Such individuals can create courses and sell them through diverse online marketing platforms. They can also make a positive impact by helping the needy learn new skills and build a career.
  • Building Authority & Branding: Selling Courses Online establishes course creators as experts in the field and they can build credibility and achieve brand recognition. This will help them scale up their services and reach out to a large audience.
  • Catering to the Demand for Continuous Learning: Online courses cater to the growing demand for continuous learning and upskilling. Learners including professionals are on the quest for ways to update their knowledge and stay competitive. This helps them to make career advancements and achieve their goals.
  • Flexibility: Course creators can enjoy flexibility as they can create courses and market them from anywhere and anytime, thanks to digital penetration. This offers them a perfect work-life balance. Flexibility also allows online course creators to reach a global audience without any barriers of physical location or time zone.

How do you develop a course and generate revenue out of it?

How do you develop a course and generate revenue out of it?

Today, you have many online course platforms where you can create and market courses and monetize them. The challenge is How to Sell Online Courses. First of all, you have to zero in on a subject on which you want to create a course. It may be a subject in which you have profound knowledge, or it may be a subject which is of interest to the public. It can include coaching classes, leadership classes, training programmes on a particular topic etc. If you create a course that evokes interest among people, the marketability of the course definitely increases. Since e-learning has immense scope, you can leverage the opportunity well which will further generate a stream of income for you.

The global e-learning market is expected to surpass $375 billion by 2030 according to a report.

How to select a topic for your online course

Before you get into the creation of a course, you have to select a topic that can add relevance to your audience which will determine the success of your course. The topic must be of interest to you, and you should be able to teach with confidence. If it is a topic of demand, monetization should not be an issue. This guide will help you choose the right topic for your online course.

Recognizing a profitable course

The profitability of your course depends on the topic you select. Try to create a course on a topic that elicits interest among the public. Don’t go for a course that no one is supposed to buy. You need not come up with an all-new course idea. You can select from the popular course streams already available. Health and wellness, finance, leadership, marketing & sales, Technology, Fitness, Lifestyle, Teaching etc are some of the topics on which you can create a course. Always make sure that your course stands out from the already available courses. Search online sources for the best topic and narrow down your course. To Sell Courses Online, it is better to create a course that matches your niche.

Land your Passion and Expertise

Identify a topic that you are passionate about or in which you have expertise. Your zest for the subject will motivate the target group and resonate with them. Let your knowledge, skills and hobbies enthuse the learners. When you think of How to Sell Courses Online, think of leveraging your personal experience on the topic and devising engaging content that stands apart from others.

Craft a Good Title

Titles are very important for courses. Unless you craft an engaging title, chances are, people skip your course. Your title should tell the audience what the course is all about and why they want to buy the course. If you succeed in creating a concise title, selling your courses online will be easy.

Do Thorough Market Research

Browse social media channels and other online resources to find out if any similar course is already offered and if so, see the reviews and comments to have an insight into the popularity of the course. Use online tools to measure interests and identify market trends so that your course will attract people and generate subscriptions.

Set Your Targets

Setting your goals and objectives is an important part of ‘How to Sell Courses Online’. It is an account of what your course is all about and how it will benefit the students. Further, your marketing goals should be taken into account and improvements should be made based on feedback. This approach will help you retain students and embrace success.

Writing a Course Overview

Compare online course platforms - Writing a Course Overview

Make a thorough plan for your course. Organise and simplify your material so that students may understand it with ease. Create the structure and major topics. developing a learning roadmap that will direct the pupils during the procedure. You can improve learning outcomes and increase learner engagement by showcasing well-planned course content. Generally speaking, your course material should contain:

  • Course name
  • Objectives of the course
  • Learning materials
  • Activities
  • Examination details

What Types of Content Can You Create?

  • Audio/Video content
  • Slide shows
  • E-books
  • Written materials
  • Interactive content like quizzes

Presentation of the course

To make a successful course presentation, you need to spend some time for the preparation. Clearly ideate how it should look like. Incorporating videos and images in the course will attract the audience and enable them to comprehend the content easily. Storytelling style will be a good method to woo learners. It is also important to collect feedback from students as to which course medium interests them and will help you curate an engaging course. Considering the below points will make your course creation effort fruitful.

Understanding Your Target Audience

Identifying your target audience is of paramount importance. Understand their needs, preferences, talents, interests, and other factors. Collect their pain points to improve your course content. Build a robust relationship with them so that the students will remain in your fold. You'll benefit from conducting surveys to learn about the objectives of prospective students and to collect their comments. In order to get the desired outcomes, adjust your course accordingly.

Test Your Course

Before going live, it is better to test your course with a sample audience. Offering a pilot version of the course to a select group will be ideal to understand the efficacy of the course. Also, you can make changes, as per the feedback of the audience. Further, test all the features of the course including images, videos, quizzes etc. for different devices and browsing tools. Address any issues that hinder the quality of your course and optimise the learning experience for the beneficiaries of your courses.

Make Your Course Engaging

Start your content with an interesting topic that can hook the audience. This will create an inclination among them to go further. You can start your lesson in the same way with an assurance that the learners will get the best out of the course. You can use online tools like Canva to make visual content that appears professional. Since almost all creative tools are available in Canva, you can design anything. Reaching out to such tools can make you course enriching and more impressive.


When you finish the creation and testing of the content, you can fix a price for your course based on its value. Don’t consider the length of the content for pricing. What matters is the quality of the course and how it meets the expectations of the students. Doing market research will help you understand the pricing scenario of online courses. Offering flexible payment options like discounts and payment plans will be fine to target different sections of your audience, thereby enhancing sales. Needless to say, the pricing will include your content creation cost, marketing cost, hosting charges, taxes etc

Factors that Decide the Pricing

Factors that Decide the Pricing

Pricing is a critical aspect when it comes to launching an online course. It depends on various aspects, from the value the learners going to pay to your course to doing a competitor analysis. Let us go through the factors that define the pricing strategy of your online course:

  • Value: Analyze the results the learners generate by opting for your course and whether they are willing to pay for the value of the course.
  • Target group: Have a clear vision of who is your target audience. If you are looking for a wider audience to pursue your course, better to make the pricing reasonable.
  • Cost of Production: Costs involved in the production, hosting and marketing of the course have to be considered when setting the price for your course.
  • Competition: Consider the competition. Understand the value of your course and see what advantage your course has over the competition. When you compare online course platforms, it’s vital to see how competitors are pricing similar courses.
  • Trust: Your expertise in the subject has a major role in deciding the price of your course. Moreover, it exhibits the trust students have in your course. If you have a wider audience who places trust in your course, then you can charge a higher fee.
  • Time-saving: Ensure that your course saves time for the students as they look for direct online courses which save time.

Plan a Selling Strategy

Compare online course platforms - Plan a Selling Strategy

Have you planned on how to sell your course? If not, you could gather opinions from students or refer to the reviews of other online courses and arrive at a decision. The below methods might be of help to you:

Subscription method: A monthly or annual subscription method can be adopted where the student can subscribe to your course. But unless you have multiple courses, this may not work, as students may lose interest and stop subscribing.

Instant Payment: This is another selling strategy. Students who seek to study your course may pay the fee instantly upon downloading your course content. In such methods, you may have to create a group for members otherwise, the platform may not be interactive.

Compare Online Course Platforms: Best Platform to Sell Online Courses

Choosing the right platform for selling your course is pivotal. This will enable the students to access your course easily. If you select a platform that exclusively features online courses, the engagement will be high. Cost, hosting options, scalability and features should be the criteria when selecting a platform to sell your course. As you compare online course platforms, these factors will be key in deciding which one best aligns with your goals.

Today, there are a lot of online platforms where you can create and sell your course. Reliable online platforms like Zenler make your job easy, thanks to the incredible features it offers. Zenler enables you to create and sell courses and track the progress of your students. With all the needed tools in one place, Zenler has become the most sought-after online platform for course creators. Hosting your course on Zenler will help you reach millions of students with minimal marketing effort, as it is an all-in-one course creation and marketing platform.

Before hosting your course on an online platform, consider the following:

  • Check if there is any monthly fee
  • Does the platform enjoy a certain percentage of the proceeds from your sale
  • Whether you can incorporate special features
  • Can a student download the course
  • Reputation of the hosting platform
  • Whether you can create discounts/offers on the platform

Marketing Your Course

Now, as you have finished creating your course toiling for several weeks, it’s time to think of selling it. How to promote your course is the challenge. Online marketing entails some marketing strategies to be adopted for the successful delivery of your course. Creating a brand for yourself will enable learners to identify your brand easily. If you intend to have a self-hosting platform for your course, you need to create a logo and other marketing tools. Also, you should have a good social media presence.

How to Market Your Online Course

How to market your online course is another side of How to Sell Courses Online. If you are yet to devise a strategy, we shall guide you through the processes. Utilizing the power of digital marketing will be a prudent move towards achieving your goal of selling your course online. As social media is a place where people converge and spend much time, marketing your course there will be a strategic move. Digital marketing encompasses diverse channels.

Content Marketing: Create valuable content about your course’s topics such as articles, blogs, videos, podcasts etc. and share this content on your social media handles to attract and engage the audience.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): If you have created a website for your course, optimize it to rank top in the search engine result pages so that you can improve visibility and drive organic traffic to your website. Moreover, you have to update your website to enhance your ranking. By doing these, you can achieve high conversion rates, reaching potential students. Using keyword optimization, you could take your website to the top position and attract learners.

E-mail Marketing: Create a list of prospective students and send them emails on the importance of learning your course. Connect with them by sending newsletters, new course announcements, promotional offers etc.

Social media Marketing: Make the best use of social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube etc to promote your course. Sharing videos, stories and live streams will help you interact with your target group. You can also run ads to reach potential students. Creating course preview videos on YouTube will help you spread awareness about the course, and it will generate more subscribers for you.

Webinars and Events: Hosting live events, Q&A sessions and free webinars would work well in disseminating your course’s topic which will attract prospective students. Moreover, it will be an ample opportunity for the students to clarify their doubts and go further with confidence. This could also help you showcase your expertise, build trust, and provide value for your audience.

Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing has been there and will continue to enhance the reach of a product or service. You can leverage the advantage of influencer marketing to better sell your course. Influencers who have a large audience can be collaborated to create content for the marketing of your course.

Affiliate Marketing: Collaborate with affiliates, partners, and industry experts. Provide them with your marketing materials to promote your course. Encourage them to promote your course to their audiences. Offer commission to them on completing a successful sale. Maintain clear communication with them for the effective promotion of your course.

Reviews & Testimonials: Reviews and testimonials will take your course to the next level. Collaborate with students who have completed your course and publish testimonial ads on social media. Good course reviews also can improve the visibility of your course online.

Paid Advertising: Paid advertising is another strategy when you think of how to sell courses online. Google Ads is one of the best choices to execute a paid advertising strategy. You can generate leads through this and convert them to your benefit.


Remarketing is a marketing strategy where you show your advertisements to the audiences who visited your website or mobile app earlier. This is a tested strategy to bring back visitors to your site and make them your customers. Segmentation is important in remarketing. You have to categorize your audience based on their interactions. You can devise dynamic remarketing ads with a personalized content strategy. If you have multiple and premium courses, you could consider cross-selling and up-selling. Besides enhancing the customer experience, this can also increase your revenue.

How to Evaluate the Success of Your Online Course

Compare online course platforms - How to Evaluate the Success of Your Online Course

Now that you have created your online course, the onus of evaluating the success of your course rests on you. You have to ensure that the learners benefit from your course, and they are pursuing the course properly. Checking whether the course satisfies their needs and preferences is imperative.

Enrolment & Retention Rates: Track the number of students enrolled in your course and analyze how they respond to the content. Further, monitor the retention rates to assess the level of interest they have in your course.

Take Stock of the Completion Rates: Measure the percentage of students who have completed the course. This will help you understand the efficacy of the course in keeping the students engaged and motivated.

Student Satisfaction Survey: Conducting a student satisfaction survey will give you insights into student satisfaction, course content relevance and overall learning experience.

Gauge the Financial Gain: Consider the ROI factor of your online course. Calculate the financial return by comparing the revenue generated from the course and the cost involved in the creation and marketing of the course.

Referrals and Repeat Business: See how referrals work for your course and check whether repeat business is generated and creates value for your course. Also, you can assess the level of loyalty among your students and the likelihood of referring your course to their friends.

Advanced Strategies and the Best Practices for a Successful Online Course

Enhance student experience

The success of your course lies in diverse aspects like personalised learning experiences, and mentorship programmes. Providing the students with these additional support programmes can increase the possibility of subscribing to your online course.

Leveraging the Power of Innovative Technologies

Advanced technologies like AI can be used to support learners with instant assistance and personalized coaching. AI tutors and chatbots are ideal tools that can be leveraged.

Networking and Community Building

Organizing virtual meetings, and networking events for students can play a vital role in making your course a success.

International Reach

Adapt your course for different languages and cultures. This will extend the reach of your course and add value to your effort.

Continuous Improvement

Improving your course continuously based on the feedback of students will enhance performance


Selling courses online offers many opportunities for educators, teachers and other groups of people who are knowledgeable, experts and passionate about teaching. Setting a vision, scripting an overview of the course, and a thorough knowledge of the pricing of the course are important factors to be looked into. Keep in mind that your ability to connect with the target audience is one of the main factors that determine your success.

Creating an online course and selling it requires meticulous planning, right from selecting a topic to choosing the right platform and finding the target group. The success of the course largely depends on research, marketing and student satisfaction. Modern technologies come in handy for course creators to successfully sell their courses online. Ultimately, online education transcends the boundaries and offers flexibility and value for money. Whatever your aim, creating online courses provides you with immense possibilities. So, make use of the opportunity, create your own brand in the burgeoning online education industry and embrace success.

Categories: : Zenler Course Creation, Zenler Marketing Help/Advice

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