My Zenler Journey So Far...

May 09, 2024 |

Here's a quick overview of how I got started with Zenler. Plus, find out how you can share your Zenler origin story with us.

The Zenler Journey

I'm curious as to how your Zenler journey began... Where was it that you first saw or heard about Zenler? It's Liz here, one of your Zenler Educators, and for me, it was in the midst of sharing my calming dog and guardian behaviour work. One of my peers mentioned it in our Facebook group and I was intrigued.

Too Good to Be True?

To be perfectly honest it all sounded too good to be true. An all-in-one platform with funnels and email automation. Then as I delved deeper there were opportunities for lives, memberships and communities. It was everything that I wanted to create and everything that I just hadn't had time to complete to date.

Having spent some time looking around and investigating I was delighted at the ease of this opportunity. The support from the Zenler Team and current users in the Facebook group was detailed and quick so I decided to jump in and test it out. 

My first play around with the system was to set up a simple lead magnet. And although it took me a while to get to grips with a of the different editing options I got it done with the amazing tutorial and YouTube support. I started looking deeper into the support on the system and investigating how it all worked. Moving through the quick start guide to get all my foundations in order I was falling in love with the ease of creating something solid from my many thoughts and ideas.

Supporting Your Education

Watching David's amazing library of videos gave me hope and inspiration that everything I wanted to create was indeed possible on this platform. Soon I was thinking of upgrading to pro and within a week I took the leap. It was easy for me as I wanted the live features. So out came a pros and cons list to compare a paid Zoom subscription to a Zenler upgrade. As Zenler included all the other benefits it won easily, hands down.

Never Look Back When You Are with Zenler

Since then I've never looked back and it's a dream to be developing and growing my own business and projects inside Zenler. Plus I now have the outstanding honour of supporting you and creating additional new official Zenler resources to build your own sites. It's fabulous to be a member of your Zenler Education Team working alongside the stars David, Kevin, Alice and Rakesh, whom I learnt from at the start of my journey. And one of my favourite things about Zenler is that all of our official support is free! You really can get great support at every step of your journey and save yourself ££££'s on website creation. 

Share your Journey

So click here to jump into the Facebook group now and share with us how you got started because we absolutely want to hear your Zenler origin story!

Categories: : Zenler Mindset/Motivational

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