Churn User Reports inside Zenler

Jul 17, 2024 |

You can now see detailed reports of users that have left your courses or membership

Zenler can offer its users a Churned Users Report. How useful is that? 

Now, you might be wondering, "What's all the fuss about user churn?" Well, let me walk you through it. when you offer subscriptions, it's a golden rule that keeping your current customers happy is a smart move. It's not just easier on your wallet compared to finding new subscribers; it's also about building lasting relationships and maintaining a robust business model. And that’s where the concept of ‘user churn’ – simply put, when subscribers decide to wave goodbye – becomes a crucial point of focus.

Why Does Churn Matter, You Ask?

  1. Cost Efficiency: Picture this – acquiring new customers is like climbing a mountain, resource-intensive and challenging. On the other hand, keeping the ones you already have is like a gentle hill walk – less strenuous and often more rewarding.
  2. Customer Satisfaction: Think of each subscriber as a valuable part of your business journey. Losing one is not just about losing revenue; it's missing out on nurturing a relationship. Happy customers tend to spread the word and enhance your brand’s reputation – a win-win situation!
  3. Prevention is Better Than Cure: It’s a bit like gardening – it’s easier to tend to your plants regularly than to revive them once they've wilted. If you can spot and address what might make customers leave, you’re onto a winner for fostering loyalty.

Introducing the Churned Users Report

Now, let’s unwrap this new feature and see what it brings to you as Zenler users:

  • Churned Users Overview: This is your overview of who’s leaving and why. It provides critical insights, showing you the what and how of subscription cancellations.
  • Subscription Churned Users Report: Ready to dive deeper? This report lays out the specifics of who’s cancelled  It’s like a detective novel, uncovering patterns and trends to help you tailor your strategies to keep your subscribers on board.

Remember to use this data strategically, maybe reach out to those members and have a conversation, find out more about why they left, and don't just let it be another data source that goes unused. 

In a nutshell, the Churned Users Report is your new best friend  It’s about being proactive, insightful, and strategic in keeping your subscriber family close. Here’s to less churn and more cheer in your business journey! 🚀🌟

Categories: : Zenler Feature Releases

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