How to Move Through Imposter Syndrome

May 09, 2024 |

Dive in now to discover how you can start to move yourself out of old Imposter Syndrome today...

You Are You, Just Do You!

As human beings we love to feel seen, heard and understood. However, it's easy to get stuck when you start comparing yourself to others.

The truth is that there will always be someone who knows more, has more, and is doing more but that's absolutely ok. Because you have a unique reservoir of experience, wisdom, service and support to help others within your Zenler site.

So your job is not to always be the best at everything. Your role in life, especially as a course or membership creator, is to do your best in each moment. And your best will look completely different depending on how you're feeling, on your energy, on your motivation, clarity, focus and inspiration at that specific time.

As soon as you embrace the fact that your course, membership, service, or product is unique, the easier it is to stop that old imposter syndrome. You get to turn your attention to the reason you're doing the work you're doing. Because as you let go of that old negative imposter syndrome you open up more creative energy to actually get your work completed instead. With a lighter outlook, you get to channel your fabulous energy into creating, sharing and delivering your expertise and resources to others.

Shift Your Focus:

By shifting your efforts into creating, rather than wondering about what others may be thinking, you'll suddenly start to power through any old doubts. You'll start to build momentum with your own opportunities as your energy and enthusiasm continue to grow.

Your drive to serve and support others will strengthen and you'll notice it pulling you onwards in the moments that you'd have previously stalled or faltered.

Taking time to regularly connect deeply with your reasons for doing what you're doing is essential to keeping you motivated and moving forward. So add it into your morning routine, your tea or coffee break and watch your confidence start to grow.

Top Tips:

1) You're great at what you do and you absolutely get to be your biggest fan. So collect your favourite reviews and feedback and keep them ready to support you in those old doubting moments.

2) So the next time that sneaky old negative thought crosses your mind, acknowledge it and let it go. Listen to a motivating piece of music, go for a walk and shift out of the heavy energy as you remember the individuals that you get to help transform.

Final Thoughts:

Remember that your work is magnificently powerful for many. Take time to refocus yourself on your north star, your why. As you allow it to propel you on to achieve your Zenler goals. 

Categories: : Zenler Mindset/Motivational

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