Online Course Platform Making Money

Aug 15, 2024 |

Starting off with an Online Course platform and making money is the first step to success as an entrepreneur you need to know marketing lets explore..

Let's dive straight in at the deep end, success with any online business comes down to these key points, regardless of whether it is an online course platform or a physical product, we will explore the key points and analyse the qualities of doing this.

So entrepreneurs or business owners pay attention as we jump into what it takes for your business to be a success and not another flop in the oceans.

As you compare online course platforms, you'll find that choosing the right one can be pivotal in determining your success or failure.

Being an entrepreneur is highly rewarding. Looking for opportunities or seeking them out is commonplace for the more experienced, and creating revenue streams is also key to building an empire. If you're a course creator, choosing the right platform is also crucial. We suggest you compare online course platforms like Zenler, which has all the features you could ever need. Maybe you're looking for a partner or affiliate scheme to promote and sell our platform and make a huge 40% conversion on our paid plans—these are great opportunities for entrepreneurs.

A Successful Online Course Platform

Compare online course platforms - Online Course Platform Making Money

Key Points to make your business a success:

  1. Belief in your product
  2. Consistency
  3. Positivity in your success
  4. Following through with a strategy
  5. Not giving up
  6. Be authentic and honest

But I Don't Mention Anything About The Product?

No, that's right I do not, because it's not about the product it's about you and your mental attitude 90% of the time!

Put it this way 90% of the time you spend on your product or course, membership will be spent on marketing, that's huge think about it, 10% is the product itself!

100 Hours on Product 900 Hours on Marketing!

It's an enormous amount of time, right? but this shows the importance of the attitude, now don't be disillusioned this is the initial launch after when you can spend less time to maintain its exposure.

Most people do not fully market their products, and this leads to not fully taking advantage of the revenue it could receive it also means more work in the long run as you will probably jump into the next exciting project, and it's very easy to lose interest and think something else will do better.

Marketing Spend It is estimated that you should spend 2–5% of your sales revenue on marketing, in my opinion per product.

Let's Explore the Key Points Mentioned Above

Belief in Your Product

Belief in your product and belief in yourself is key to success, if you do not believe in what you sell how can you expect others to?

Being Consistent

You need to make sure you are consistent in that you post regularly that you keep in touch with new students and nurture existing ones, be seen be heard and keep spreading the word every single day, have a plan and stick to it.

Positivity Spreads the Energy

A positive mental mindset is key, you will not always be selling you might feel down at times it's important to look at the big picture and celebrate wins no matter how small they are, keep your energy up and be positive, even when things look dark.

Having a Strategy Helps Us

This is why having a strategy to keep us on track is so essential. We need to make sure we follow through and stick to any strategies we have in place. Try not to give up—this is crucial for anyone who wants to succeed (i.e. when you compare online course platforms to find the best fit for your business). 

Not Giving Up Ever

Never ever give up, don't be overburdened and do not overcomplicate everything work on each stage and move on, breaking things down makes the big pictures easier to visualise.

Never giving up is the key to your success as an entrepreneur and an online course creator.

Be Authentic and Honest

Always be transparent and honest in everything you do, you are the product you give it voice and substance your moral values and beliefs are ingrained into everything, and this is why you need to be authentic!

If You Are Committed to These Points Then Read On

Unless you are committed to being successful and achieving a revenue stream then you will, but if you do not agree to the points already raised then just leave now!

It might seem harsh but you're wasting your time otherwise, go back to your 9 - 5 job and be happy with this, being an entrepreneur is not for you, it requires commitment and the lack of it means failure. Maybe instead create some crazy videos you never know you might go viral and be successful that way, but as for a serious business no way!

Are You Still Reading?

Then I commend you, we will now reach into the key points to driving revenue to your product.

You Are The Star You Are The Success Story Waiting to Happen!

Compare online course platforms - A Successful Online Course Instructor

As we keep saying in previous posts "You are the star" You are the expert you are the motivation and force behind what you do let it shine from you.

If you are determined and visualised in your success then there is only one outcome, right?

Success in being an entrepreneur or a course creator is guaranteed with the right mindset.

Lets mover on to prep and strategies to promote the next big idea you have.

I Have The Product What Now?

Now we need a plan to work to, why have a strategy?
Simple to keep everything on track and a clear path to your success.

We also have to take into account where you are now!

Points you need to set up to move forward:

  1. Identify your target audience
  2. Test the student journey
  3. Identify any pain points not covered
  4. Set up templates
  5. Find where your audience hangs out
  6. Set up a process for your campaign
  7. Market your product

Have a Strategy for Your Product

Once you have covered the points above you will need to plan out what your goals are and when you reach these move the goals higher, and keep pushing yourself.

To show you an example of a strategy see this AI-generated one

Acme Outdoor Gear Marketing Strategy

Company Overview

Acme Outdoor Gear is a retailer that sells high-quality outdoor clothing, gear, and equipment for activities like hiking, camping, climbing, and backpacking. The company was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in Denver, Colorado.

Mission and Value Proposition

Acme's mission is to equip outdoor adventurers with the best gear and expertise to safely explore nature. The company's value proposition is providing premium yet affordable outdoor products along with a highly knowledgeable staff that can advise customers based on their specific needs.

Target Market

Acme's primary target market is outdoor enthusiasts aged 25-45 who regularly participate in activities like hiking, camping, climbing, and backpacking. They value quality gear that will withstand rugged use. This demographic has a median household income of $75,000.A secondary market is families looking for durable yet affordable outdoor clothing and camping equipment for recreational use.

Competitive Advantage

Acme's competitive advantages are:

  • Extensive product expertise from staff with outdoor certifications
  • Exclusive line of innovative, proprietary gear designs
  • Sponsorship of local outdoor clubs and events to build brand loyalty


Acme will position itself as the go-to outdoor retailer for seasoned adventurers who want premium yet affordable gear and expert advice. The brand personality is rugged, authentic, and trustworthy.

Marketing Mix

Product: Full line of outdoor clothing, gear, equipment, and accessories for hiking, camping, climbing, backpacking, etc. 

Price: Premium pricing around 15-20% above market average, but backed by lifetime warranty and guarantees. Place: Sales through e-commerce website, catalogue and retail locations in major U.S. outdoor recreation markets. 

Promotion: Content marketing (blogs, videos, social media) highlighting expertise and product innovation. Sponsorships of outdoor events, clubs, athletes. Email marketing to subscriber list. Search engine optimization for outdoor product keywords.

Goals and Metrics

  • Increase brand awareness by 25% (website traffic, search volume for brand name)
  • Grow email subscriber list by 30,000 over the next 12 months
  • Achieve $85 million in total sales for the upcoming fiscal year
  • Earn 10,000 new customers in the core demographic

This covers the key components of Acme's overall marketing strategy, defining the objectives, target audiences, competitive positioning, marketing mix, and key performance indicators to track success

See how it's all planned out, try to use this as a base moving forward.

Now you have a strategy

Compare online course platforms - Free Strategy PDF Sheet

You can now set your goals towards this and start shouting about your course, membership or product.

Marketing is so important if you just think people will find you think again

Reboot Online gives this stat
"Statistics for 2024. There are around 1.13 billion websites globally, with about 350.4 million registered in the U.S. and 11.1 million in the UK"

A staggering amount I am sure you agree, so without marketing you literally have no chance and remember all are trying to get to the top page rankings!

How Can Zenler Help You Get Ahead of The Competition?

What is I said to you by following a couple of our key workshops you could be better than 90% of that's staggering 1.13 billion?

Would you bite my hand off! And offer me hundreds of dollars to learn these Marketing Tips?

I imagine you might, well Zenler believes in free education for all, even if you're not a Zenler user (How dare you 😊)

See below our key courses that will jet propel your sites and products into the spotlight!

Get the Free Marketing Strategy Sheet

Workshop for FREE to help you Market our online business to the Maximum!

Super Charge your Blogs or Content for SEO

Mastering SEO for Bloggers: Strategies to Improve Page and Content Rankings

In this comprehensive workshop, we'll walk you through the key steps to optimize your blog posts for search engine visibility and engagement, covering everything from keyword research for blogs to structuring blog posts for SEO and promoting blog content effectively.

Workshop Agenda

  • SEO-optimized blog content
  • Keyword research for blogs
  • Structuring blog posts for SEO On-page SEO elements
  • Promoting blog content
  • Measuring blog content performance Improving search engine rankings
  • Content marketing strategies
  • Driving organic traffic to blogs

Take this Workshop >>

Marketing Stack Workshop

Why Marketing Stack Workshop?

  • 4 Ways to Generate Leads
    There are multiple ways to lead generation. The workshop will help you understand which one works for you.
  • Marketing Strategies
    The workshop will share the proven methods to help you effectively market and sell your courses.
  • Learn to convert Leads
    More Leads is not More Conversions, you need to warm up the leads consistently in order to generate sales.

Take this Workshop >>

YouTube Challenge

"For Beginners, intermediates and even advanced creators"

The YouTube Challenge is a comprehensive guide to setting up a successful YouTube channel.

It covers everything from creating a cover image and profile image to writing scripts and choosing the right key phrases for optimal SEO. The guide also offers tips on using tags and hashtags, best practices for video creation, and setting upload defaults. With the help of this guide, aspiring YouTubers can optimize their channels and improve their chances of success.

"This has already been run as a live class, initially being a 3-Day Challenge now you have the chance to work at your own speed and succeed!"

Take this Workshop >> 

We wish you the very best of success
Team Zenler

Categories: : Zenler Marketing Help/Advice

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